I have struggled with my weight my whole, livelong, entire life. It's been a daily difficulty - striving to make good choices, falling off the wagon, starting over. Though my weight hasn't fluctuated greatly, my dress size has always been a great matter of stress and anxiety for me.
Friday, July 29, 2011
And the Bride...ate ice cream
I have struggled with my weight my whole, livelong, entire life. It's been a daily difficulty - striving to make good choices, falling off the wagon, starting over. Though my weight hasn't fluctuated greatly, my dress size has always been a great matter of stress and anxiety for me.
Monday, July 25, 2011
A Time for Rejoicing
There are just under forty days until our wedding. Those words make me grin every time, without fail. "Our wedding". Unbelievable.
I am still in awe every, single day of the man Jesus has brought into my life. If you and I could have a cup of coffee together, I would share with you in great detail the miracle that God has done. For now, let me just tell you a little!
In my life, I have made three different prayer lists as I sought the heart of God about my husband. I made at list at 16 years old, one at 21 years old and one at 26 years old. Then, I “shelved” them. Looked at them maybe once a year and, generally, forgot what I put on them! I itemized the last list I made into two parts: “must-haves” and “icing”.
Of all these lists, and the dozens of traits, qualities, giftings and experiences on them, my soon-to-be-husband (and his family) is nearly exactly what I prayed! In fact, there are only three little details that aren't precisely who he is. And…they just happen to be “icing” items. God has done exceedingly, abundantly more than I could have asked or imagined.
Yes, way more. In all of that listing, there were a few things I didn't know I needed. And somehow…He knew. And brought even those to me in the form of a man who loves me passionately and unconditionally. He does all things well.
I have a picture frame on my wall given to me by our incredible Young Adults group. It’s inscribed, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein.
The pressure of this time is quite challenging. And there is great temptation to stop my celebrating, look away from the miracle God has done and focus on the task at hand and all the impossibilities therein.
The “reality”?: We just made a bittersweet announcement to our church this morning - Webb and I will be making our home in North Carolina as we begin our life together. And, though we both know we've heard God's heart about our move, I have only three Sundays left at the most special place of my life thus far. This means that, in less than 40 days, I will plan a wedding, organize a move, try to finish (with excellence) a job I have always felt deserved far more than I am capable of, and try to give all the time and attention I possibly can to loved ones here who I will miss so dearly.
And, as the Lord would see it fit, my family (including my Mom who is the most efficient planner I know) lives in Arizona. My fiancĂ© is 700 miles away. And my “sister” and maid-of-honor just moved to Chicago.
You can imagine that there is great opportunity for joy-stealing! Pressure, stress and anxiety can be the devil’s playground.
But the truth? “The joy of the Lord is my strength”! And that truth is far greater than any “reality”. Joy, true and deep abiding joy, is not only a gift from God…it is a choice. I stretch out my hands to receive joy and with it comes the strength I need to walk today. It’s a cruel trick the enemy plays – if he can take our joy, he truly can sap our strength.
This is why Paul says, “Rejoice! Again I say, REJOICE!” Not just because it’s so vital that we’re happy. But because when we rejoice, a seismic shift happens in our spiritual atmosphere. God gets full credit for the miracle He has done, our hearts absorb the truth of Hs goodness at the deepest level, and the enemy’s tactics are shot. All because we chose joy.
So…the moving boxes might not be inventoried just how I’d like. And the wedding reception might be missing a few things. And there may be loose ends beyond my grasp in my job.
But you know what I'll do instead of worry? Rejoice. Deeply and with abandon.
Because the truth is…the deepest dream of my heart has come to pass. And to stay – forever. And the miracle of the moment deserves my full attention.