Tuesday, April 20, 2010


If any of you have spent time with youth/young adults, you've probably been unfortunately exposed to the website "FML". I'll spare you the acronym expanded (and a link). Suffice it to say it's a site dedicated to sad, disappointing or upsetting events in life - people tell their stories, in short form, in order to commiserate with an online audience of strangers. As if the news headlines weren't enough. Or the events in our own personal lives or families. This age group seeks out other negative information so that they can further be amused by the bad things in life. What...? (bright-eyed, eager, new Young Adults' Pastor sits back in awe and simultaneous irritation). 

One evening a few months ago, as we sat around my apartment living room, phones were out and these guys were chuckling and scrolling through different stories on the website. In an attempt to bring these musings to a screeching halt (at least they could read it on their own time instead of group time), I spouted off, "Guys. Come on. Seriously. Isn't there enough bad news to dwell on? Really. God asks us to think about things that are pure, lovely, honorable and of a good report." (I must applaud one of those guys who reminds me rather frequently that he doesn't look at FML any more.) 

But today, as I was checking up on the latest Twitterific news, I was excited to find an alternative view on another webite. GMH, or Gives Me Hope. "Shut up!", I smiled to myself (and immediately posted the site on a couple of students' FB walls ;). 

As I scrolled through a few brief stories of hope, goodwill and joy I was reminded of the little moments in my own life that GMH. The Lord reminded me a few days ago to keep looking at the small things He's placed in my life to make me smile and draw me to Himself; even when the big-ticket-items seem to be awry and even hopeless. 

Think of a couple things today that give you hope. Maybe you need to write them down. Or simply say them to someone close to you. Speak them out into the air and muse on them. 

Because, really, faith, hope and love always remain.

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