Friday, September 10, 2010

"Feel Good" File

By the very wise admonition of a former boss, Pastor Chris Daniel, I keep a file in my desk at work that's called my "Feel Good" file. It's full of notes, cards, pictures, sermon notes that inspired me...whatever might be a pick-me-up for a rough day/week/month...year. Yesterday it was imperative - I had to bust out the feel good file. It'd been months since I perused it, which always makes for great surprises and warm tinglies.

I found childhood pictures. Notes from old college friends. Birthday cards. Quotes that re-inspired me. It was a good moment. And it reminded me how very important a little encouragement can be.

None of these little notes had a check for a thousand dollars in it. None of them came with a gift. They weren't flashy or neon or unforgettable. In fact, most of them I had forgotten about. Encouragement is a lot like that. Easy to forget. Even the greatest moments of comfort and encouragement from the Lord can be washed away by troubles if we allow it.

Words have always been so important to me. I forget birthday gifts. But the cards? I'll keep forever and read over and over and over. So I've made it a habit to keep words of encouragement and comfort before me. In my home, on my desk, through the music in my car. And, in moments like these past few weeks, those words from God and from others, have made ALL the difference.

Want to encourage somebody? Do it! Whatever it is may sound insignificant in the moment, but the "feel good" file (whether mental or literal) can be referenced in the most necessary of times.

Thank you to my "Barnabas" friends...

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I credit my feel good file to you :) We were just able to add tons of wonderful wedding cards to our file, and it was such an encouragement to see such a collection of memories in that box when I opened it to add the new ones. Enjoyed this!