Saturday, October 23, 2010


This is me. Stopping by my own blog to say, "yes": I am alive. I still like to write on this blog. And I will write a REAL post soon!

The thing is, in ministry you spend too much time waiting for a "break" - like a real weekend or day off, something like that. And, much like the rest of life, you just have to stop waiting and apprehend the moment sometimes. In fact as I update this, I am typing at a ferocious pace because in about 45 minutes, neighborhood kids will be tapping on our glass doors waiting for us to let them in for Kidz Club (an outreach our young adults launched to show some love to the families who live around our church).

Never a dull moment. And I love that fact. But I also love this place; it's serene and honest and encouraging. So I shall return! By Monday at the very latest...(throws car into drive and stomps on the gas pedal)...see you then!

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