Monday, January 31, 2011

My Digital Toolbox

Alright. I saw a post from Carlos Whittaker a few weeks ago that inspired me to pass on a few things to you all. He listed the digital/technological tools which were coming in handy most for him currently. And on his list were several things I was using, but also several things I needed (and consequently, am now using). So, I'm going to list a few "must-have" items in my digital (administrative and design) toolbox. They're great (mostly free) tools for organizing or "pretty-fying" your life.

First let me say this: I am, seriously, in no way, shape or form, a technological whizkid. I am merely trying to keep up with my peers and, most the time, save face. These guys help me with that a LOT:

1. free giveaways (lots of textures), great tips, tons of resources for us "self-taught" designers.

2. Network all your to-do lists. THIS IS A LIFESAVER! No more combining a list from your phone, on your laptop and jotted on the back of a receipt. As soon as you type your thought on Evernote on your phone, it's uploaded to your computer. Take pictures and save ideas you've seen. Etc.

3. the easiest way on the planet to get your video to your website. (trust me, if I figured it's the easiest!)

4. annoyed with trying to maintain the same files on your laptop as desktop as phone as....? no more. Keep all your "across-the-board" files in your dropbox and they'll be available when and where you need them. No problem. Shred your jump drives. Blech.

5. Sending huge files back and forth across the world? This has been a seamless and easy way for me. Send PSD's, large images, whatever. Inexpensive and fast.

6. Of course I wouldn't be able to live without my Macbook Pro. (I used to be a PC girl. It's true. And converting me was no easy task. But I've seen the light and I'm never turning back.)

7. RapidWeaver. A program my eight year old nephew could most likely build his own, personal website using. It's FABULOUSITY.

8. Motorola Droid. I know. I hear you iPhone snobs giggling. But it hasn't failed me yet! I actually quite love my phone and it has effectively made my office mobile.

9. Stacks, RapidWeaver plug-in. Another essential for easy website creation. Create your images and toss them in. D-o-n-e.

10. Twitter. Follow the right people and you won't get "left-behind". I follow designers, politicians, pastors, leaders, musicians and really smart friends. A tweet at just the right time, with just the right resource, has saved me hours. True story.

11. And....friends. I know that's not a "digital" tool, perse. But friends like Michelle Weger keep me moving in the right direction.

And, coming soon, a more "meaningful" post (though productivity has significance all its own).


Becky Smith said...

Wow. Love all these helpful tips and websites. I will definitely be visiting them all and following in your steps! :-)


MW said...

I've just shed a tear... I'm so proud.