Knowing the wind was blowing with far too much force to leave any info on their windshield, I walked into the mall to find security - on the other side of the mall. So, click click click I go in my little heels to the other end and some guy radios security who drives to the scene of the crime - while I click, click, click my way back to the other end of the mall (thank God I'm in Polk County and what most of you are seeing in your mind as "mall" is a gross exaggeration).
I walk outside to find security and the owner of the freshly unmirrored car waiting on me, with arms crossed. "Bad news," my inner voice tells me. "OK. Just smile, apologize, beg for mercy and explain it's God's fault - after all, He created wind. And He loves taking the fall for my mistakes. I can't believe this. If I'm going to hit something with my car, I wanna make it good. You know, at least have a story or something. This lady looks ticked! She might hit me. I wish my brother was here. Nope. Just me. Sighhhh....Here we go, Jesus give me favor..."

Haydee (the victim, er...owner of victimized vehicle) was very sweet and understanding. I explained I'd be happy to replace the mirror and make the necessary repairs (what I really meant was my good friend John would do all of that work and I'd buy a mirror). We exchanged info. Done. Back into the mall for the now much more needed coffee.
I had to laugh as I got back into my car with my vanilla latte (extra fat, extra sugar, extra espresso, extra, extra, extra please). I thought about how some days of life are just windy - you have no control over how things will happen. They just do. And you have to just roll with it and thank God that your car door didn't bust out someone's window, or assault an elderly person, or hit a BMW. And thank Him for good friends who help you pick up the pieces.
It's a good day :).
I was especially proud of your incredible composure and ability to still laugh in the face of this "moment". You are a beautiful lady. :-)
So... My door has a handle on the inside that I hang onto when I open my door on a windy day. But I drive a Toyota... oh...wait...
Love you.
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