I've never been an optimist. Nope. Never. Silver lining has never been my style. My style's always varied between, "That's a huge cloud. That makes me sad. Can I go to bed now?" And, "That's a huge cloud. Let's put some structures in place to deal with the rain it will bring. I'm pretty sure a few good things could come out of the rain, too. Maybe. Possibly." (The latter seems to be my more frequent m.o.
I would like to submit that, along with the labels of "optimist," "pessimist," and "realist," we begin using the term, "pragmatist." - a practical person interested in the outcome of situations. Just for me of course. "That's egocentric," you might say? Yes. It is. But the world would be a better place if everyone just understood me a little more. Eh? Jusssst kidding.
In saying this, however, those of us with a bit more melancholy personalities have to take much initiative to find the "good" in our lives. Being thankful. Celebrating life. Finding things that make us smile. I'm not going to lie: that's been hard work for me lately. And in the past couple of weeks (no excuses), I wanted to quit searching for good things. I've even gotten a bit sarcastic with God. "Yes, let me find my miner's cap and start my search for something good in the middle of my life." (I'm working well with my new baldness after being struck by lightening.)
I can't allow myself the luxury of bratty ingratitude. It just doesn't work out for anyone, no matter the season of life or the difficulty at hand. "Let the peace of Christ rule in your heart and be thankful," Paul says. And I'm working diligently on this. Again.
So! Today I bring you another "happy list". I love lists in general - but especially when they're full of wonderful things about of life! Here you have it:
1. Humor. I've always felt that if I can laugh I can make it through anything.
2. Leigh Jarvis. The people who've been with you the longest and know you the best and yet, somehow, still have good thoughts about you.
3. Writing. I always know that, no matter what happens, I can write about it. And that brings comfort.
4. My Mom. She makes our lives possible. True story.

5. My job. I have the privilege of working in an amazing place, with phenomenal people who want to do incredible things in our world.
6. Susan Isaacs. And other writers who capture life with words so very well. They make me feel much less alone.
7. My new calendar for 2010. Just love it. And can't wait to be using it more frequently.
8. Worship.
9. Good coffee. Mmm.
10. Our young adults at this church, Harbour. They keep me "real".
11. My incredible friends. Great listeners, encouragers, givers of hugs and people who propel me to my personal best.
12. Celebrating my fabulous friends' soon-coming baby boy. (And occasionally talking into her belly button so he knows me before he gets here!) Joy is a friend for life.

13. Singing. I'm not exceptionally good at it. But it's way fun in my car.
14. Heritage. My great-grandmother was saved at Azusa Street and could pray the house down.

15. Florida Winters. Reaping the benefits of summer and not having to uncover, de-ice and warm up my car before I go anywhere.
16. My new laptop. I'm a proud macbook owner. It makes me feel cooler than I am.
17. Cardigans.
18. Turquoise.
19. My grandmother's handed-down Bible and jewelry.
and 20. My little apartment.
(and there's so, so, sooo much more.)
1 comment:
Right now I'm enjoying 3 things that make me happy...
1. Hot wonton soup on a cold rainy day
2. The fried noodles that came with said soup with some duck sauce
3. Reading your posts and hearing your voice as if you were talking to me. I love yoU!
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