Constant. Like the humming of a perpetual, ever-running engine, our lives seem to move so quickly.

-We've been married for twenty-one months.
-I have been a teacher for two school years.
-My husband has been working his current job for five years.
-Our newest venture, getting physically healthy, has been underway for two months. We are enjoying every minute of learning to change our habits, thinking and lifestyle. And that's real! Yes, the first two-three weeks were hell on earth; they were complete with mood swings, withdrawal symptoms, and discouragement. But, now that we've made it over the hump. Neither of us can see ourselves ever returning to our old way of life. I've lost 22 pounds currently. And Webb has lost around 40. Looking good, aren't we?
We're overwhelmed by God's goodness around every corner. Unexpected blessings and provision we could never have made for ourselves.

Speaking of provision - the picture below is of the back of Webb's truck. A few weeks ago, he was driving a couple students from our high school to a class party when the truck hydroplaned on the highway, spun into the median, and hit the guards, keeping it from going into oncoming traffic. Webb and both kids were fine. But our truck has seen better days. The most amazing part of the day? The Lord woke up Webb's sister, Kelli, and told her to pray protection over her family. She obeyed. And, instead of what might have been, we have a truck to repair. We are so thankful.
This morning as I read, the thought of "daily bread", came to mind again. What we need rarely arrives early. Nor does it show up late. But, right on time. The moment we need it.

And while I'm holding up several things to the Lord, asking, "What about...?", my heart is at a full rest. The engine still humming, life still whirring, demands and dreams still beckoning. And I am learning to truly be still. That's how he's providing...
1 comment:
Oh Amanda, this was so encouraging. Thank you.
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