Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm Grateful.

"It's been a hard year; I'm climbing out of the rubble. These lessons were hard and healing changes were subtle." - Sara Groves.

I love that song, Less Like Scars. It's kind of the epitome of the last two years for me. I felt a definite shift in my spirit last month and I know the atmosphere around me has changed. The past two years have been full of opposition. They have been absolutely beautiful and invaluable. But very difficult - like walking in waist-deep water. And the shift to this new season is disorienting! Have you ever gotten off of a trampoline and tried to jump? Or out of a pool and feel you're still in water? Kind of like that. I have to keep remembering that God has changed this season; everything is not as it was.

But you know what - even through two difficult years, my heart has been overflowing with gratitude. For favor and friendship and a faithful and loving God. My precious friend got me a keepsake box last year. The top of it is inscribed with the verse, "There is a time for everything...a time to laugh, a time to grieve..." etc. But, embossed over the verse in big, bold, gold lettering is the word "LAUGH". Every time I look at that box I feel like my life has been encapsulated and all the affairs of it could be contained in that box. That just is me - life will go on, people will walk in and out, jobs will come and go, tears will run and doors will burst open and slam shut - but, in all of this, just laugh! Whenever I find the humor in something, I find a way to be thankful. I'm convinced humor is one of God's most precious commodities.

Pastor Clarence from Virginia Beach once said, "If you can't think of how to pray, just sit down and find ten things to thank God for." Let me tell you, this will get you praying!'s my big ten. The first that come to mind.

1. My family. What would life be - where would I be - without them? I'm especially thankful to have my grandmother with me for another holiday season.
2. A sense of purpose in my life. It's good to feel I have something to accomplish.
3. My education - formal and not. Wayne Cordeiro says there are two ways to learn: bruises and mentors. And, choosing the latter has made my life such a beautiful journey.
4. My job. I have the best job ever! Complete with plenty of opportunities to watch the hand of God move.
5. Friendships that far exceed expectations and dreams. My "lifers".
6. Troubles that have built my strength and faith.
7. Adopted parents - icing.
8. The opportunity to see miraculous provision.
9. LAUGHTER! Often and loud. And the people who encourage it - willfully or not.
10. Expectancy.

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