Monday, March 29, 2010

100% Chance

Last night, just before I went to sleep, I checked out the forecast for today. Rain, rain, lots of rain. And the chance of that rain? 100%. I laughed to myself, skeptic that I am. 

I imagined my conversation with the Weather Channel meteorology experts:  
ME:  "100%? Really? So, what you're saying is, you would bet your life that it's going to rain. You know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, it will - for certain - rain. And there's not even a slim chance, not even a half of a percent, that it might not."  

TWC:  "No. It will rain. For sure. Without a doubt."

ME:  "Ok. So...on the very slight chance that it does not rain, I'm daring you. It MUST rain, and rain hard, or you MUST play in traffic butt-naked for 3 minutes. Are you THAT certain it will rain?" 

TWC:  "I'll take your dare. I am THAT certain."

ME:  "Wow. Ok." to myself, "I wish I was that certain about more things." 

That's all. 

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