Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Puzzles Sold As Is"

Picked up a smoothie downtown for lunch this afternoon and, as I walked by a used book store, I saw the above sign. Wish I had a pic. Who buys a 1000 piece puzzle sold "as is"? I chuckled to myself imagining the optimistic soul who bought it and counted out 993 pieces. Or, if they're optimistic and blonde, much like myself, they put together 986 pieces only to find out the last 14 were long gone. 

Joyce Meyer tweeted today, "Worry is a down payment on a problem we may never have." And I thought about the fact that I, at times, worry that I'm trying to put together 1000 piece puzzle and I'll never, ever find all the needed pieces. Worry is always preemptive. And never effective. And God holds every piece I need in His hand. In fact, the whole world is in that Hand. 

Just some thoughts I was thinking. :)


Sheri Hawley said...

Amen! Amen to that!!

Rachel Leonard said...

Good Word :-) Thanks...

Selena said...

That's great, Amanda! And, keeping with the theme of we being the puzzle and God being the master puzzle-worker, we puzzles shouldn't be telling Him how to put us together since He can see the big picture (like when we look at the box as an assembly guide) and therefore do a much better job at it. :)