Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas and Feng-Shui

I've been in my fabulous little apartment for almost two years now. And, last Christmas, I opted out of buying a Christmas tree because I thought it might be a little sad. You know, a generic tree, decorated with store-bought ornaments, present-less...I just couldn't do it. But I was wrong. It's actually far more sad to have no tree at all!

So this year, I got super excited to get one and yesterday, when I heard Lowe's had some on sale, I got online to check out the deals. I spotted the perfect one - pre-lit, 6 1/2 feet. The best part? $38.00! I rushed in to Lowe's only to find out, no tree. They were sold out.

BUT! Not to worry, my fabulous Pastorette had accompanied me. She's far too classy to haggle. But she has her ways. (And I'm sure my pathetic, "I'll love you for the rest of my life, sir" face helped just a little.)

I walked out of Lowe's with a non-sale tree that was suddenly on sale for just the right price! (I'm not going to lie...I smiled like a dork all the way to my car. And possibly all the way back to work.)

With the excitement of my new tree, I just had to make space in my apartment for this 6 foot addition! I looked around at my bulky furniture, including a rather large armoire. "Well, I think I can handle it..." I shifted the couch/loveseat/oversized armchair half a dozen times, standing back after each move and putting my hands on my hips. "Nope."

And finally, "I have to move the armoire. I'm not taking everything out of it. Too much work." So I try pushing...arms extending. Pulling, leaning back as far as possible. Putting my shoulder into it. Leaning my back against it. Not even an inch. After my final effort, I slide onto the floor with a deep sigh. "Ok, one more try."

But this time, I use my most abundant resource ;) That's right, I single-buttedly moved my armoire five feet from one wall to the other! Then, I stood back and said..."Nope." Sighed heavily, and repeated the process back to the other wall. Finally finding the perfect feng-shui for my space. Oh the single life...

I came to work today only for the guys to tell me I can buy casters to place under my furniture that will let me slide it anywhere...


1 comment:

Christiana said...

Amanda, I love you! This post made me giggle, which is mostly because I could totally visualize you doing all of the afore-mentioned things in your post! I miss you dearly my friend and love you equally so.
