Friday, November 26, 2010

grace that guides us

So I'm sitting here at Sky Harbor airport in Phoenix. A little grumpy because it's 1:30 in the afternoon and I never went to sleep last night. It was my first, and possibly last, Black Friday experience (though we found some INCREDIBLE deals). I'm here two hours prior to my flight; we're a perpetually punctual family. And I've got plenty of time to collect my thoughts, do some people watching and catch up on some reading.

On the flip-side of this leisurely airport sitting session is a slight aggravation: I'm so ready for my bed. Just bump my flight up an hour and a half and get me home! It's a four and a half hour flight, the sooner it begins, the sooner the conclusion of awkward physical contact with strangers can end. Ew...

But, back to the point...I got a call from my mom just a few minutes ago. She said, "Good thing we came when we did. We just got back on I-10 and watched a major collision westbound. We'd have never gotten through that mess. We would have been in traffic for quite a while...or worse, part of the crash."

A reminder in my heart that God's timing is perfect. Even when I feel something is rushed upon me prematurely. Or when I'm waiting indefinitely for hopes, dreams or provisions to become reality. God's grace is always guiding. If I just take time to hear Him, His gentle leading, He will make my paths straight.

I'm especially thankful for that grace this Thanksgiving. This was my first visit home since Gramma went to be with Jesus. It was surreal. We enjoyed our time together. Mom and I cooking up the turkey-day feast and Dad bringing the day to completion with a nice fire outside. But there was a gaping hole. One of which none of us spoke really. But in brief silences, the howl of the wind made the vacancy known.

Our family is very different now, though we're working together to grow accustomed to our new "state". We just miss her. I sat in her room, in the chair that I sat beside her for what felt like an eternity. The same vantage point I had when she was in the bed beside me. But it didn't matter how long I sat there...the bed was empty. She has been lifted. Hallelujah...

Even in this, great comfort is found in my heart when I consider that God's perfect timing, and His ever-present grace, is guiding all of our lives.

Sorry for the unannounced hiatus - totally not intentional. This is the part where I should probably make some sort of commitment about how I'm going to write more. But, alas, I will forego said obligatory phraseology. I want to write more. I hope to write more. But there are some deeper, more personal hopes which must be attended too, as well.

Thanks for journeying with me...


Sheri Hawley said...

His timing IS perfect!

She IS lifted - Hallelujah!

His grace IS carrying us!

You've said it just exactly RIGHT.
Thanks for making yourself say it; we all benefit!

Amanda said...

Thanks for always being in my corner. You are a fabulously wonderful part of my life!