Friday, July 1, 2011

Part 3 (and a little 4)

The questions turned as quickly as the tires on the interstate. We decided a meeting location where he would pick me up and my friends would drive on. I can’t lie; I wanted to drive on with them. It was an overwhelming moment. But we drove up and parked beside his truck, and I took a deep breath...

When we pulled up beside Webb's truck, I was totally overwhelmed. He got out and came around to help with my bags and as I stood up, I almost passed out! No joke. The situation was like, four-fold nervousness. 1.) I was seeing Webb. 2.) I was meeting his family (and we didn't even know if we were going to seriously date). 3.) I was preaching for their ladies retreat the next morning. 4.) I was going to stay the night with all of these ladies (none of whom had I met before). The result? Almost passing out.

Webb was so good to me; instead of rushing straight to the retreat, he took me to dinner to give me a moment between driving 12 hours and meeting dozens of new people. I made note of his consideration; he seemed to do that well in every way (opening doors, paying for dinner, inquiring of what I wanted/needed at any given moment). I now have a wonderful, soon-to-be, mom-in-law to thank for such habits! We had fun at dinner and, way too soon, it was time to go. He dropped me off at the retreat with some fabulous ladies and in the care of his wonderful mom and sister, and we said goodnight.

The next day, Saturday, he picked me up at the conclusion of the retreat. We ate lunch together and, afterwards, he opened up a serious conversation. (The passing out feeling returned). We were driving along and I felt lightheaded as he talked. I can't remember most of what he said, though I'm sure it was super eloquent and important. I just remember the conclusion:

"What do you think about making this official?"


"Not exactly the answer I was anticipating. But, uhm...yeah...take your time."

"Have you really thought about this? I mean really thought about it? How will we date from 700 miles? And what will we do if we decide to move forward from dating? And how will we even be sure we know each other? And what if...and what about...and...and...???"

He quietly and patiently drove in circles while I (no easy way to put this) flipped out.

"Amanda. Why do you think it's taken me so long to ask you this question? Yes. I have thought about all of this."

"And you're ok with it? You're not freaked out?! I mean seriously...this is nuts!"

"I've just come to the conclusion that it will all work out if God intends it to."


The passing out feeling got more intense. I looped my arm through his, with huge eyes, and asked, "Is this ok even though I don't know how to answer you right now?"

He smiled, "Yes. Take your time. You don't have to answer now, this weekend, or even a week from now."

My heart unclinched. I had an answer about him. But, everything else? I had no idea about anything else. And just because you might fall in love with someone doesn't mean everything else will just work out. Only in movies, right? Should I make a heart decision or a head decision? Why can't this just be simple?

It was time for dinner with his family. I'll never forget how much, and how hard, we laughed through that whole dinner. I had a headache by the end! It felt so much like home. And yet, I still had no answer.

Sunday passed. I tried to work up the nerve to answer him Sunday night - but it came across more as a "maybe" than a "yes I want to date you with all my whole heart". Monday, we met our friends Meagan and Nathan in Manteo (about an hour away). On the way, we shared our whole stories. All of our hearts. We cried. We laughed. And then we had a blast hanging out with good friends.

On the way back, I finally had my answer. "I think I'd like to date you..." (I meant, I think I'd like to be with you for a very, very long time. But "eh, you're alright I guess" is what came out.)

"Yes? Is that a yes?" he made certain.

"That's a yes. Yes."

"Really?! Ok. Yes. Let's do this..."

Texting, turned into phone calls, which turned into Skyping, which turned into visits which, three months later, became...

So...I guess we may need a part four now! There are so many pages to this love story, the biggest blessing in my life so far and the most specifically and perfectly answered prayer.

Thank you for letting me share it with you.


Amberly Rose said...

um absolutely beautiful! I love you and love this story and that its your story! The ring is perfect!

Jada said...

Love you! Love that I finally got part 3. Hahaha

Cherise said...

Please write a book- I love reading anything you write, especially your LOVE story! So happy for you! He sounds amazing and you deserve all the happiness possible!! Love you old friend!

Unknown said...

So, so very happy for you both!

Can't wait for Part 4 and the rest of the story of your lives.


Sheri Hawley said...

Yep! Pretty amazing indeed! :-)