Tuesday, July 13, 2010

romance moments.

A few years ago, I read Stasi Eldridge's book, "Captivating". In it, she speaks several times about "romance moments," or the intimate messages that God conveys to your heart using means that no one else would even know to use. He's the best Romancer because He knows us so incredibly well. And He got me good on Monday. It was a true "make your pulse race, put a lump in your throat and wrap secure arms around you all at the same time" moment. 

I was babysitting a friend's daughter for a couple hours before work. She's just my kind of kid - savvy, sassie and smart! We hung out at my house for a while and then we both drug our feet a little as we headed out the door, me to work and her to day camp at a local Catholic church. I creatively closed the door behind me with my arms full and she bopped down the stairs, jamming out to her iPod. In a few minutes, we pulled up to school and I walked her in. That's when it happened...

For a few months a song we used to sing years ago has been looping in my head. It was one of our favorites when I was in children's church. And that morning, this obscure song was reverberating in the halls of this Catholic church. So random. And so not random at all. I hugged my little friend and said a quick, "see ya later" as I ducked out to my car. 

The song simply says, 
"Where do I go, when I need a shelter?
Where do I go, when I need a friend?
Where do I go, when I need some helping?
Where do I go? Back on my knees again."

More than a reminder to talk to Him about them, Jesus was whispering me that He hears all my thoughts. And that day, this romance moment was much needed. 

Watch for your moment! He hears everything...

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