Sunday, July 25, 2010

wish i could write about something else!

So, I know for some it may seem odd that the sickness and loss of my grandmother is such an overwhelmingly significant event for me. This time has surprised even me - a veteran of loss in this department, walking through the loss of grandparents when I was 12 (Grandad), 13 (Grandma) and 16 (Pawpaw). Each of those were difficult. And, because of the nature of Gramma's diagnosis in 2006, I knew we may be walking through those events again. And I knew it would be different.

I didn't realize how different. For those of us who have had that special, one-of-a-kind, undeniable, irreplaceable bond with a grandparent, this moment is understandable. There is no one in my life like my Grandmother. She is sassy and brilliant and tough and uncompromisingly demanding. But right now, we see very limited glimpses of those parts of her personality in the short moments that her hazel eyes peek open.

She had a "good" morning this morning. She sat up for a moment and we were able to feed her breakfast (in the form of Ensure). She uttered some sparse sentences. The most prominent of which described her desire to "go home". But, for the last six hours or so, she's been asleep. And I have been in this chair beside her. Waiting. Just in case a moment of activity comes and I miss it.

It would take too many entries to describe who she is to me. But today, as I've been sitting here, I've touched every page of her One-Year Bible, reading through all her notes scribbled in margins and meditating on all the highlighted passages - reading some of them back to her.

The best part? That Bible is now mine. What a treasure...

We'll let the rest of the family fight over dishes and jewelry ;)

Thanks for listening, friends.

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