Sunday, May 13, 2012


I am always so proud of the amazing heritage my mother and grandmother have given me. Yesterday, as I sat at our church's "legacy tea", I was overwhelmed with thoughts of the legacy that's been prepared for me.

Even when I haven't lived up to it. Haven't deserved it. Or had no idea how to walk in such 'big shoes'...awkwardly stumbling, trusting that, one day, they'd fit perfectly. This great heritage has been before me.

It is one of hard labor, gut-wrenching efforts of unrequited love, forgiveness which transcends reason, laughter when circumstances call for grief, faith prayers that make the devil's knees weak, and friendship to all kinds of people from all sorts of places.

My mother and my grandmother have passed these down. I like to think I'm being objective when I say there are no women, past or present, who have been more tenacious. I'm sure you feel the same of your matriarchs. I hope you do.

Yesterday, we celebrated Mother's Day with my husband's family. Through our marriage I have gained a "Granny", though all in our family had passed. And a wonderful mother-in-law who works every day to invest all she has into her children. I have much for which to give thanks.

Today, though, I miss my Mom. She will be celebrating Mother's Day 2100 miles away - with a Mom smiling down on her from heaven and her children and their families living across the country. We worry about each other plenty, so I know that won't help. I simply ask Jesus, who knows no time or space, to bring the sun up on her in a couple hours with peace in her heart and hope filling her soul. After all, we do get to see each other in just 13 days...

Such a perfect day to give honor, praise and thanks to wonderful moms - natural and spiritual! And for some ladies, a very hard day. Whether you're waiting on children of your own, wishing your kids were home with you, praying your child back into the fold, or celebrating around the table with your 'heritage', today is about you. The mothering you do practically and spiritually. You help define the fabric of our culture. You are loved. Appreciated. And seen by God - even into the deepest recesses of your heart.

Thank you...for your investment.


Aunt Julia said...

Amanda, I agree. You do come from two amazing women. From your mother and grandmother I have learned the practical and the delightful. Your mom once told me to run a mental dust cloth over any piece of furniture I was considering buying. That one saved me more than once. And as for your grandmother, if ever I am offered a trip into outer space, I will jump at the chance. Why? Ora would have gone in a heartbeat. She delighted in travel. I haven’t been to space but I have backpacked in Europe and not so long ago either. I would go again even without the backpack. However, your heritage doesn’t stop at Grandma Ora. Your great-grandmother, Violet, has touched your life more than you know. Violet’s personality might have seemed different but in spiritual matters, she was just as tenacious. Her children spoke of her guitar playing and singing praises to the Lord. They also talked about going to bed at night to the sound of Violet’s prayers storming the gates of heaven on their behalf. On her knees she was not shy. Your heritage is strong and so is your writing. When is your book coming out?

Amanda said...

Now that I'm blogging again, I'm seeing comments I missed in past months. Thanks for this one. I wish I had gotten to really know Mummum. But, I guess in some ways I do; your description of her feels a little true to my life. I miss you so often! Always that person in our family who made me feel understood when I thought I may be crazy. Hmm...what's that say about us? ;) love you much, Aunt Julia. Thanks for always being "here" even from afar.