Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Apologies

I can't say I'll be writing a full post at the moment; I'm typing on my phone actually. So this will be a bit of a mini-blog.

All of my efforts to share life with you in these past few months have been without avail. I just cannot speak. God is doing such deep things (big, not bad, as my husband would say) in my heart right now that I couldn't name you a single person I've been able to articulate them to...an unusual place for a gal like me to be. It's like there are collisions of seismic proportions in my soul. Battles that are attempting to alter my faith, views on family, church, calling and life. And I am being very still, listening for the still small Voice in my hour of chaos.

I have felt unceasingly guilty about this blog. Especially since, before I moved to Askewville, Webb and I were so excited that I'd have more time to write. Right. I've heard bloggers say things like, "someone who leaves
me hanging on their blog feels like an unreturned phone call". And, "I hate when writers go ghost and you hear nothing from them." Yep. That's me. I'll wear the t-shirt for a failure as a blogger. But I do know this - I'm not failing as a wife in my first year of marriage. So, I guess you win some and you lose some.

Webb and I have been dreaming and brainstorming about the next phase of this blog. I can't say that phase will be approaching quickly. But eventually.

Until then, a huge thank you to those of you who stop by here for me, not only for you. I know some of you read so you know how to pray, and especially now, you are a priceless treasure to me.


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