Friday, May 11, 2012

Oh, so, blessed

Today, I woke up after the best night's sleep I've had in weeks (I can give some credit to the Vicodin I received after a little dental work), the sun is shining, and the buzz of summer fills every classroom. My 8th grade students labored intensely over a book report their teacher had them write in class today. And me? I'm inspired by their hard work.

I'm thinking about my own writing and how much I miss it. I'm thinking about their excitement over little things and how everything in their experience seems noteworthy. I appreciate that. It's compelled me to celebrate the little things in my life: an 'A' on a friendship quiz, a 'gold star' for people randomly stopping by and seeing a clean house, my husband turning into a 6th grader, giddy with excitement over "The Avengers".

My parents land in Raleigh in 15 days. Cannot express how much I'm looking forward to that. Today, every time the sun brushes my skin with warmth, a new reason for gratitude comes to mind. learning about Jesus...

.......dress down day in my favorite jeans.......

...making new friends...

.......Greenville: Zaxby's, Tuesday Morning and Target.......

....knowing there are people all over the country who I love and miss....

...being able to influence the next generation's leaders before they take over the world...

Sometimes the burdens we carry try to drown out the song of gratitude.

Sometimes responsibilities weigh so heavily that progress isn't tangible.

Sometimes all the "have to's" overwhelm the "dreams of".

But when we really take an honest inventory of blessings, we can't help but stand back in humility and say, "Wow. For me? Thank You..."

Oh, so blessed.

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