Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Safe Place

Today, I just want to sit and daydream. Get lost in things that are beautiful, places I've never seen, music, coffee, and pretty pictures. Hope it all will flood through me and lift my soul. Walk through a city park. Laugh with a good friend. Linger in an enthralling worship service where I'm anonymous. Get a pedicure and read a magazine. Sit on my couch with hot tea and gaze out the window. Do something that makes me imagine, momentarily, that these pressures surrounding us are inconsequential. Maybe then I can return to them with better eyes.

That's the kind of day it is. You probably know it - when the marriage problem seems unsolvable, the kids have completely forgotten every word you've ever spoken to them, no matter your hard work it seems nothing pans out in your job, the house is an insurmountable wreck, that relationship needs mended and you have no clue how it's going to happen, and let's not even mention money...oh, money. Fight or flight kicks in. And, today, the 'fight' within you is gone. You barely have the energy left for a sufficient run.

The ironic thing is, that's exactly what we should do. Run. Run for all we're worth.

Run to your Safe Place, your Harbour. Let Him strengthen you for the pressures before you. Take the time to be strengthened. 

He's waiting for you. 

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