Saturday, May 22, 2010

Just sayin...

I really wish I had something inspiring, encouraging or helpful to say to you today! In fact, that's what's kept me from writing for a few days (or, a week-ish :/). I have been musing on David encouraging himself in the Lord. And it's been "bootstraps" time for me. Get knocked down; get back up; repeat. So, while I wish I could be lighthearted and motivational, this is the part where being "real" just isn't convenient, but it's necessary.

Yesterday was a great day. It started very early, leaving the house at 6:50am to attend a breakfast intended to honor Gramma as well as raise funds for the health center she was influential in beginning. She asked me to accompany her and I was excited for the opportunity. And then, Mom mentioned that this particular breakfast was held at La Paloma Country Club and was $1,000 per plate. And I thought, "Uhm...what the HECK do I wear!?" (It's a good thing I packed my entire wardrobe.)

We had a great time and the people really honored her. Her speech was flowing and empowering, as always. And she gave a minor smackdown regarding the Federal Government's involvement in local healthcare: "They need to take their hands off our local healthcare. We live here. We know what we're doing."

On the personal front, Gramma decided on Wednesday that she is fully and completely done with treatments of any sort. She told her doctor she'd see him in three months (which he whittled down to two). And another mass was found under her arm. What does that mean? None of us really know. We just wake up every morning, enjoy the day, and go to sleep hoping for a repeat edition. Today, we will drive to Phoenix to see my little cousin Drew in her performance of "Annie". I know we'll all be cracking up - Drew is performance and drama at her core (and a girl after my own heart!).

I think each step for us right now is a little heavy, like wearing weights around our ankles. But I am convinced that the Lord strengthens us in ways we could never imagine in all of our trials. So, even in this, I give thanks. He's developing things in my heart and soul that are vital for victorious living - in this moment and the ones to come.

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