Monday, July 22, 2013

I Can't Wait

“You’ll teach me of hearts and dreams and all the most important things and all that I have lost along the way. 
And I can’t wait.” Sara Groves

I have so many things to learn. Glaring deficits of character, good habits by the wayside and bad ones in hand, and a penchant to speak my mind when silence would benefit us all. 

But I hold so much in my heart I can’t wait to bestow! Love, joy, peace, patience...though there are days in short supply...He gives new every morning and I can’t wait to share them. 

I keep hearing, “Well, you’ll understand when you have kids,” and, “You just wait until you can’t remember the last full night’s sleep you had,” or, “enjoy having nice things in your house now.” But the words are muffled and I just can’t bring myself to care! Right now, I am far too excited to share life with you to care about the parts of life you will change.

Let me tell you a little about your family...

We have big faith, huge dreams, and the biggest God. We are short on criticism and long on praise. We worry a little too much. Some days, we’re messy. We choose to believe the best about each other. We forgive. And, in the midst of that, we try to take Jesus way more seriously than we ever take ourselves. 

Your room will be ready soon. Your Dad insists you love the I'm hunting for a jersey or a cheerleader's uniform, guess you'll let me know in about a month which to pick (and, though I've pondered making your first receiving blanket a black and gold terrible towel, a happy marriage will likely make a better home for you). I hope you love words as much as I do and music as much as your Daddy. I hope your love for Jesus doubles both of ours. 

And when I meet you sometime in January, remember that I will need you to teach me just as many things as I teach you.

“How do you sleep so peacefully?
How do you trust unflinchingly?
How do you love so faithfully?
How do you dance so joyfully?
Oh you'll teach me,
Of hearts and dreams,
And all the most important things,
And all that I have lost along the way,
I can’t wait.”


Bunny said...

Oh Amanda, I am so excited for you and Webb. What a blessed little one to have you two as parents. This post made me so emotional thinking back at the adorable girl you were and now knowing the beautiful woman of God you have become. Blessings to you and your new family.
Love you.

Bunny said...
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Amanda said...

Thanks so much, Bunny! You are definitely part of the reason I feel prepared for mommyhood. I'll always remember how patient you were with us, how you chose to laugh instead of get irritated, and how when you meant business there was no question about it! You're a treasure to me :) Love you!