Thursday, May 13, 2010

Oh, Yes I DID!

So today, I went with my mom into "town" (which, for all you people who have lived within "town" your whole lives, means that you have three things: a gas station, a grocery story and of course, a Wal Mart.) I dropped mom off for a hair appointment and lunch with friends and decided to stroll the local mall (another 15 miles into "town" ;).

Ok this story has several levels. So, enjoy it, but try to follow me...(we'll get back to the mall scene).

Part 1: Last week, Gramma and I stopped into a local consignment shop. And, completely randomly, I stumbled on a cute little denim skirt for four dollars! It looked a little big but, hey, four dollars! So, I got home and tried it on and it was a little loose, but not noticeably so. Score! New cheap skirt! I packed it and two pairs of jeans for the trip to West Virginia (one casual pair and one pair I could dress up).

Part 2: Last night, our whole family sat watching America's Funniest Home Videos and laughing hysterically. And, I grabbed a Diet Coke and sat down on the couch. As I poured it into a cup, I became enthralled with whatever humiliating moment was on the TV, forgetting the task at hand. It finally occured to me that the cup was overflowing when my entire lap was soaked (no exaggerration) with soda. Soaked...(which sort of made our own funniest home video).

Part 3: I got dressed this morning to go to "town" and had no feasible jeans to wear. My decent jeans now had Diet Coke Crotch. So, I opted for my new denim skirt - it'll do. But, as I strolled the mall, it wouldn't stop twisting and rising and I was constantly adjusting it. Ughhh! So, I popped in Old Navy and just happened to find a pair of sale jeans which fit perfectly! I went to the check out and asked the clerk, "I know this is crazy, but would it be possible for me to wear these out of the store?" "Sure! No problem. Just let me grab the tags and take the monitor off the bottom of them." (She's was so polite even though I'm so weird).

Part 4: I left the store. Ran into a friend's dad and chatted for a while. Stopped by Chik Fil A in the food court to grab some lunch (I know...I love me some Chik Fil A). And, as I stood there, a lady gently tapped my back and said, "Do you know you have a tag on your pants?" "No! Seriously!?" I looked down and there, down the side of my thigh, ran my pant size listed repeatedly and, underneath it, an accurate description of my legs..."short". Awesome.

I laughed. And thanked the kind lady for pointing it out. And now, I enjoy the moment with you. Oh, yes I did. :)

1 comment:

Sheri Hawley said...