Tuesday, February 2, 2010

i n s p i r a t i o n .

I'm sitting at my desk waiting for inspiration to strike. I love late nights. Everyone has gone home. The office is quiet. No phone calls. No questions. No demands. I sit barefoot at my desk and relish the fact that I have a job where my to-do list usually entices me. John Mayer serenades me as I try to conjure up some concept for a graphic design for one of our events. But mostly, I sit and watch the cursor blink. It's eager to move forward but I have trouble giving it direction. 

It seems like a lot of things in my life are standing in front of me asking, "What now?" And I'm staring into the white space with no response. I want greatness. I want God. And another moment of mediocrity seems so unpalatable to me I can hardly think on it. So, for once, rather than move forward without intention - I wait. Wait for that one-of-a-kind inspiration that says, "Follow Me here...you haven't passed this way before" (Joshua 3).

Don't we know how big God really is? How CREATIVE He is!? I really don't want to live
 the same day twice. I believe God has more. I am wide-eyed at the possibilities that every day holds. And I refuse the wet blanket of apathy that the day-to-day grind so badly wants to drape over my shoulders. God has more. For us. 

...those are the thoughts pervading my space tonight as I wait...for inspiration.


OH - and I can't forget these guys. Now, when I walk into my apartment...there's always someone waiting on me. It's kind of a long story. But, let it suffice to say:  wherever you are, whatever's going on, God sees you. He sees your heart. And He cares. 

Say hello to Uz and Buzz...

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