Thursday, February 11, 2010

Uz and Buzz Meet Jesus

Ok, so, if you saw my earlier post of my two new goldfish, you'll be distraught to know that both Uz and Buzz have found their final heavenly resting place. I'm pretty sure I did everything I could to keep them alive - pretty sure. But even so, they flailed and then, they floated. I should probably stick to Betta fish (a little more sturdy). I'm feeling like a failure!

This morning, I am sorting out nametags from one of our annual church events, Friend's Day. Each year, our congregation invites friends and neighbors to be a part of a fun service and a cookout afterwards. It's good times. And every year, no matter how much any of us detest it, we wear nametags to avoid the awkward moment where you forget the person's name who's been sitting by you every Sunday. (Though nametags I'm sure don't eliminate the awkward time for all of our guys where they stare at a women's chest trying to find out how to pronounce her name). I digress...

Things like this mark the passing of time to me. Traditions, the events or occasions that roll around every year and remind you of where you were last year at that precise moment. And, this year, sorting out these nametags was just a little emotional. I was laying aside names of people who have moved, transitioned, passed away... 

2009 was so full of change. Even grief. And I am so thankful for this brand new year God gave us. It marks a new season for me. One full of joy and expectation rather than loss and pain. I believe it was T.D. Jakes who preached about that idea that, in every moment of life you are either:  1) in a storm.  2) coming out of a storm. 3) going into a storm. And if we don't take time to enjoy the calm when we come out of a storm and before we enter another one, we miss times of sweet commune with Him. 

Right now, I am not in a storm. But I can look ahead of me and see possible storms. I can look behind me and grieve past hurts. And when I do, I create a storm in the middle of this calm and beauty. Right now, I am choosing to rest in Him and bask in the quiet, calm. 

1 comment:

Kristen said...

This was very emotional for me as next year I might be one of the name tags that is sorted into the "not here anymore" pile. Or maybe not. It might be 10 years before I get married :)
Love you.